Monday, 18 April 2016

The Truth about cancer - A global quest -part 5 & 6

Here's what I learned in episode 5 and 6:

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions
Importance of the spine: Immune system is for sure very important when it comes to fighting cancer, and when we look at the immune system, it's comprised of glans and organs that make this immune response and those glans and organs are controlled by the nervous system. A majority of our immune response comes from the gut tissue and yet all of that hinders upon or rest upon the vitality of the nervous system. So when we look at the spine, the spine is the tissue that surrounds and protects the spinal cord, so the brain communicates to the body via the spinal cord. Our spine is designed to have a very specific structure and any deviation of that structure directly interferes with the nerves system ability to adapt and respond to stress, and what are we doing now more then ever before, stressing about everything, sitting more now then ever and even looking at technology more then ever. Even when we go to the gym, we are thinking exercise and not structure. So when we look at all the research some of the most amazing research on the planet that's coming out right now, it says that the nervous system controls the immune system. Everything we do impacts the nervous system, the only question is, are we doing things that make it healthier  or are we doing things that break it down. Keeping your spine healthy and not having nerve impingement is really important because it's been recently found that having a pinched nerve in your spine is actually mimicking a chronic fight or flight state, fight of flight is really good if you have to run away from something or fight the bear or whatever, that's what the fight or flight was designed for. So nerve impingement causes your body to be in constant fight or flight. It sets up this adrenal gland secretion in your body and the adrenal gland are your stress glands, and you need your adrenal glands for energy and without adrenaline you don't survive so when you wear those out then you go into exhaustion. Meditation, yoga, and exercise are great things to help.
"Let food be they medicine and medicine be they food" and "Look well to the spine for the cause of disease"- Hippocrates
Another thing to look at is our mouth, every one of the thirty two spots in our jaw are directly connected to organs in our body, whether you have a tooth there or not, and if you had some sort of dental work done that is toxic and that includes root canals or fillings that has ever been done, most of the removal of teeth and that includes wisdom teeth is done in a way that there are toxins left in the jaw bone, where the tooth comes out of, it's not always cleaned correctly. The socket has a ligament in it that holds the tooth in the jaw, it has a bone surrounding it that is always infected, if the tooth was infected, the bone and the ligament are also infected and they are not removed correctly by the dentist.  So if you get a tooth removed they often don't clean the socket correctly and the effects of it don't go away. Root canal fail quite often cause they leave dead tissue in the body. So here's what happens, you have a tooth that goes bad and so then the voltage drops in that tooth and when the voltage drops the pH drops, and when the pH drops then the oxidation goes out of the tooth and out of the area, when the oxidation drops, then the bugs come in and when the bugs come in they set up house keeping, bugs don't have teeth but they need to eat when they are hungry so what they do is they start producing all sorts of enzymes and that starts to liquefy and they start having this for lunch and that begins an infection and that infection process you can't leave in your body because then it crosses the gingivitis barrier and goes right to the cardio vascular system, it goes right to the liver and produced high specific sea reactive protein and other general inflammatory markers then it says to your body, hey you are chronically inflamed. So they have to go in and fix it because it causes bacteria. There's no safe way to do a root canal. This can cause cancer, and we still do root canals the same way.
Bio Oxidation Therapy: It's done in Europe, England and Switzerland and they have been doing this for years they are curing all kinds of diseases. Chronic inflammation causes a lot of diseases.
Fluoride causes cancer, Time magazine listed fluoride as the top 10 most toxic household chemicals. It disrupts the metabolism of other key elements that we need for bone growth, it activates the osteosarcoma genes, it activates others like leukemia and things like that that are bone based cancers. Those genes get activated by fluoride. Why it's in our food chain and water, there's no good reason for it.
Every person is deficient on iodine, and that causes cancer. Over 96% of people tested were low in iodine. Iodine's job, the immune system can't function without it, you can't fight infections without it but one of it's main job in the body, is in the endocrine glands includes the thyroid, the breast, the ovaries, uterus and the prostate, and that's what we are having issues with. Iodine deficiency is directly linked to cancer. Consider taking an Iodine supplement
July 1 2016 in California they are being forced to take vaccines, and it will probably be like that every where else eventually. They never talk about what's in those vaccines. If you really start digging, and get to the truth, the vaccine mandate is linked to cancer because of the ingredients, and it's were the State is taking away your freedom by telling us what's best and making the vaccine mandatory.
People have to look at a vaccine from the ground up, you have a needle that gets injected into babies, kids and adults, what's in the syringe? You have a lot of chemicals in them like formaldehyde, which is an irritant and potential cancer hazard, you have aluminum which is extremely toxic, and you have other metals, you have unknown elements, germs that were not intended to be there that are there, partial genetic sequences that were put there on purpose or not and it's all right there in the syringe, so your telling the mother that they will put this in their baby and it's a good thing. It's not tested at all but they say it's perfectly safe. If you were to take a baby bottle and put in aluminum and formaldehyde and mercury and other ingredients that's in vaccines and give it to a baby you would be charged with attempted murder. What's worse is when you inject a vaccine it goes right to the blood stream, it bypasses a lot of portals of immune defense. 

If you look at the inserts for a vaccine, like if you look at the HPV vaccine it will say that upon receiving this injection you may lose consciousness, you may have seizures, fever, or may have to be rushed to the emergency room and this is all listed, and somehow the American public is brain washed that this is all normal, but it's not.
Across Europe 90 millions dollars in damages have been paid out by the UK government to cover children who where proven to be brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine. You think they would pay 90 million dollars if it wasn't proven. 75% of children in a Mexican town hospitalized after a vaccine.
Emotions and cancer: Recall healing - to emotionally heal, it's very crucial to cancer patients. There is a lot of research that demonstrates the impact of psychological stress and emotional. The University of Berkley has an article on Emotional expression in cancer onset and progression, there is specific conflicts and trauma that trigger specific cancers.

They talked about Homeopathy as well, here's more information here. It's similar to a Naturopath, and she helped me a lot with my endometriosis.

Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing and going inside a German Cancer Clinic
Detoxification: The cells in the body are inter-connected by a matrix, the area in between the cells is where things happen this is where the nutrients are and they enter into the cell the dirt inside the cell go out and into the area and then the lymphatic system drains them away. This matrix has to be clean, if it is contaminated then oxygen won't be able to go through and the cell can become cancerous. Potassium and magnesium can't go through so a cell becomes acidic in this case and can become cancerous. That's why detoxification is very important
We are all living in a toxic world, the trees are dying, the air in the world is contaminated. All we can do is keep our healing mechanism strong and that means taking good care of ourselves. No disease can live inside a healthy body, and how we can do that, is by detoxifying.
1. The garbage shoot, we have to get the garbage out, we need to clean the colon, by coffee enemas, or colon hydrotherapy, or herbal supplements (buck-thorn, slippery embark, sylium). You have to clear one exit to clean the rest. Intestines: need to do daily gentle detoxes, so exercise each day, show your family you love them, daily cleansing tea, intestine is the largest organ so need to keep it healthy.
2. Urinary tract - Kidney cleanse: Parsley, asparagus, drink a lot of water. Clean the liver with turmeric, milk thistle, beet, ginger, to clean it quick, go with extracts.
3. Liver cleanses are amazing for your health. Cherry Calbone (juice lady), her gentle liver detox drink: Morning shake: Juice of one lemon and one lime and you can add orange as well if you want to, but some find it to much natural sugar at once, then you add a cup of water and some ice (if you want), add in a tbsp of olive oil, one garlic clove and a little chunk of ginger, that's day one, Day 2 is 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp of olive oil, then day 3 is 3 cloves of garlic and 3 tbsp of olive oil, same for day 4 (4 and 4) and day 5 (5 and 5). You can eat parsley to get ride of the garlic breath, along with a carrot salad and a beet salad and potassium broth soup, a beet juice drink and a green juice drink, that is your gentle liver cleanse program, and you can add salads and soups, but an all vegetable week. Anyone with, or had cancer you must clean your liver because it will stay in your body and you can get cancer again. Colon is also important as well so when the liver starts detoxing, you want that to come out. If you don't feel well it's ok because it's coming out and once it is out you will feel so much better and preventing disease from coming back.
4. You have hundreds of lymph nodes, and that would be the last thing to concentrate on so you need things like cat's claw, burdock root, the essiac formula (tea). Bounce on the trampoline as well, it will help.

Placebo effect, it proves that there is a self healing ability. NOCEBO effect: If your told you are going to die in 6 months, the chances of you dying are high if you truly believe that person, so we should be saying positive things instead of negative.
Cordycep mushrooms - when taken it brings up your oxygen in your body and brings the killer cells in effect. It's been a Chinese medicine for so long now. Reishi mushroom - huge virus killing abilities. Beta Glucan (in mushrooms) has huge killing abilities.
NRF2 - signals anti-oxidant pathways, instead of one to one, it sends out thousands of pathways, it opens the flood gates. Resveratrol found in berries and grapes. Curcumin found in turmeric, they also help ramp up that pathway, especially if you have it with black pepper and a healthy oil. Catechins, found in green tea, and dark chocolate. Garlic family, radish and cabbage family all have a lot of sulfur that helps detoxify. Sauerkraut is another really great thing to eat, very good for our gut, as well as Probiotics. Essential oils are also great to helping with the side effects of chemo and radiation.

More really great information, and still more to come. 3 more episodes left, stay tuned!

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