Sunday, 8 May 2016

The Truth about cancer - A global quest -part 7 to 9

Here are the last three episodes:

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods
Dr. Raymond Hilu, MD, founder and medical director - The Hilu Institute in Spain - have a microscope to look at your blood to see what's going on inside the cells, like deficiencies, etc... and they do a report from that. Can help prevent cancer or any disease because imbalances will show. If patient is already suffering from cancer, they will see and figure out how to cure it.
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD - Medical Director - Center for New medicine California - When you get cancer, it creates magalats and that stops the body from fighting back. We need a good immune system and GCmaf can help. It has helped thousands of people with cancer, autism and so much more and the government shut them down completely.
Oxygen is the number one thing we need to live, we can't go without it for to long, so with giving your body a lot of oxygen you will heal what diseases they have, even cuts and can save limbs. Dr. David Jockers founder of Exodus Health Center
Dr. Marcel Wolfe Wholistic lifestyle educator - Talks about light, we are full of light. Ultra violet light RX, it can kill bacteria, fungus and infection and even cancer. If you don't have access to that, is there another way? Yes Vitamin D our wonderful Sun! They have put fear in us that you can get cancer from to much sun, and yes to much can be harmful but we do need some sunlight. It's good for helping bone disease, heart disease and cancer. Go outside with very little clothing and have the sun shine on your skin, and you will get vitamin D. Sunscreen causes cancer because it blocks out UVB which is what we need for vitamin D, we need to have sunscreen with UVA protection. Foods accumulate light from growing by the sun.
Wheatgrass has a lot of chlorophyll, it creates ATP and does amazing things for our body. A lot of antioxidants. Chlorophyll has magnesium and that will help to kick out toxic metals.
DC and Monica Craichy - Author and Nutritional Expert, CEO of Living Fuel - Living Fuel is a whole meal super food that you can drink. It's everything from top to bottom. It's hard to get all the healthy things every day because you will be eating so much in a day, this way you get everything you need in this drink.
Dr. Igor Smirnov, PHD, Inventor, scientist, radiation expert, author and speaker - created a devise for cell phones to help take away the electromagnetic that we get from our cell to prevent cancer
What cancer patients should ask their doctor. What is the death rate for cancer treatment? What are the side effects? A lot of people have to stop cancer treatment because the treatment makes them so sick, and when you stop the cancer grows a lot faster. Cancer treatment lowers your immune system so much so it's hard to survive that.

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrients Therapy
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, PHD - Director of Research - Dr. Rath Research Institute
Dr. Matthias Rath, MD - Founder of Dr. Rath Research Institute
Underlining causes of Chronic diseases are from years or decades of long term deficiency of micronutrients and that turns into diseases. Micronutrients comprises of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. Micronutrients can induce death of cancer cells.
Micronutrients synergy - it's their protocol and what has helped a lot of people treat cancer
Book - victory over cancer - free online!
It's inconceivable for most doctor's that cancer can go away using natural remedies and healthy eating
Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, MD - Author, Holistic Physician and Surgeon
Antineoplastons - Dr. Cornu-Labat had lots of road blocks with an IND - Investigational new drug. Kids with a type of brain tumor that is not treatable but have been cured by Antineoplastons but because of the FDA regulations he can't treat them. There was a lot of questions and everything for about a month and a half with the IND, and then they said it's on clinical hold, which means it's in limbo, so they can't do it because they say "specifically, the potential patient benefit does not justify the potential risks of the treatment". So they are basically saying the risk is greater then death because this cancer kills every time. This Dr. is very scientific and there's proof of many kids being cured but they still won't approve this.
Thomas Navaro died because of antineoplastons not being approved. Thomas was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and his parents wanted to bring him to Dr. Burzynski Clinic, about 20 years ago, but because of these regulations of the FDA and the fact that they require the children to go through chemo therapy and radiation first before they can use Dr. Burzynski's treatment, they forced Thomas to do this, and in 18 months Thomas died before he can get to the antineoplaston treatment and on his death certificate, one of the reasons for death was toxicity due to chemotherapy, the treatment actually killed him.
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski - "the inventors should be awarded, not punished. I am being punished now by Texas medical Board for saving lives of the worst cancers you can get. Pancreatic cancer - we have a patient who survived over 6 years with pancreatic cancer which spread to the liver. I am now investigated, I have to go to court, I may lose my license because the Texas board is harassing me, because I used my invention to save the life of this patient. This patient was sentenced to die. Everybody dies from pancreatic cancer. It's one out of a million cases that lives a little longer. Usually people who have pancreatic cancer spread to the liver, they are dead within a few months. We have a number of patients who are very long term survivors like over twenty years. They live a normal life, and they live highly productive lives. They don't have long term adverse reactions, they tolerate the treatment well. They live normal lives."
Epigenetics: Lifestyle choices can influence gene expression. - Joel Salatin - International speaker, farmer and best-selling author - Eat the rainbow! If you eat color, you will get all these phytochemicals, and if you use all the spices, it will help digestion, and will help prevent cancer. It's nature's medicine, it's been like that for centuries.
You can not cut a tumor off or shrink a tumor or poison a tumor and expect to stay well and stay healthy because your not addressing the real problem, your only addressing the symptom.
If you took your car to the mechanic and it has the red flashing check engine light on and the mechanic says yea I can fix that and takes the fuse out and says ok now your problem is solved, most people would fire the mechanic, so why aren't they firing the doctors because that's exactly what the doctors are doing. We are just putting band aids but not actually fixing the issue.
Gerson therapy: they concentrate on a healthy diet, they concentrate on the energy at the cellular level. Dr. Patrick Vickers, DC - Founder - Northern Baja Gerson Center - When you drink fresh vegetable juices it's very alkalizing. Coffee enema's help flush out the toxins.
Chris Wark - "the only permanent cure to cancer is your immune system. And nutrition gives your immune system a fire power it needs to keep you well, so without nutrition your fighting with no weapons, without your immune system your fighting with no army."
There's medicine everywhere in nature. Rocks are made of minerals. Tree bark has cinnamon. Dirt is full of probiotics, etc...
One thing someone can go to jail for is hemp, or marijuana. Hemp cannabis is the most useful plant on earth. Cannabis is what they used to make clothing, you can eat it, the food, the seeds, are high in omega 3 fats, high in protein. The oils, from hemp oils, is delicious and nutty tasting and high in omega 3's, then there's the medicinal parts, the cavana oils. Studies were done by the DEA, they wanted to prove how unhealthy marijuana was, so they went to a major researcher at UCLA, so they did a huge study, and they found out it prevents lung cancer, not saying we should smoke marijuana, but we should have a discussion on marijuana hemp cannabis, because there's research showing that it's none toxic, and has therapeutic benefits.
90% of things in the grocery store are toxic and will cause cancer, if it's not from a farmer it's not worth eating.
Need to not eat at least 3 hours before bed because when you eat, the body wants to use that as energy but you don't need energy when you sleep. If you eat before bed it causes free radical damage.
Omega 6 is created from fried food and processed food. It's cancer fuel, so make sure to not eat omega 6, because it makes cancer grow faster.
Dr. Boris Grinblat, MD - Naturopath and medical researcher - In Russia they have a Russian Banya or sauna, so in the clinics it's hypothermia. You can do a fast and then you can do hypothermia to get a double whammy to kill cancer.

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory
For this last episode they had a lot of amazing stories of people curing themselves of cancer. One story of a kid, he did start with chemo but he felt horrible so he stopped but his doctor advised against that because he would die horribly, that it will feel like he's drowning. That's a horrible thing to say to a kid but glad he didn't listen cause now he's cancer free.
Hospital food is horrible for our health.
A 4 year old girl got cancer, and had no choice but to do chemo, otherwise child services was going to take her away, because doctors don't believe in a natural treatment, so the parents snuck in super foods and healthy foods for her to eat, and drink and thanks to that she was more resilient to the treatment of chemo, and the other kids in the hospital with her saw that and those parents started to do the same because they saw how well she was handling chemo treatment and how horribly their kids were doing, by doing the same as they were doing, the kids started to feel better. Their daughter is now cancer free and doing well.
Book - Taking Control by Elisia Shorday
Lourdes Colon - Actress, Documentary film producer and cancer conqueror. Detox is really important when you have cancer. It's important to flush out the toxins. She did no meat, no dairy, lots of fruits and vegetables, avocado, brown rice and a wheatgrass shot in the morning and afternoon. It's important to educate yourself.
If you try natural health with cancer and you die they killed you but if you do conventional and you die, ah well we did the best that we can do.
There's not just one cure for cancer, there's a million ways

It was an amazing 9 days, learned a lot and opened my eyes to many more natural treatments and ways to be healthier. I will keep all this in mind and do my best to live healthy to avoid getting sick, but if I do end up getting sick I'm for sure going the natural way. Been meaning to post this for a while now but life has been pretty busy.

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