Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Truth about cancer - A global quest -part 1 & 2

I saw a post on Facebook regarding The truth about cancer that it was a 9 part documentary, and I really do love watching documentaries, and my mom died of colorectal cancer, and very recently, my mom's cousin died of cancer, so I knew I had to sign up and see what they have to say.

So far I have watched the first 2 episodes and some things I knew and other things I did not but it makes complete sense on what they are saying. Here's a bit of information I have written down while watching.

Episode 1: The true history of chemotherapy and the pharmaceutical monopoly
They talked about how we get cancer, and how they came about chemo. They explain how other more natural ways were found in helping cure cancer but because they can't make money on it like they do with chemo, they try to force us in going their way so they can make money. Just like all the medication that's out there, they are just bandaids, they aren't a cure, but it's another way that they can make a lot of money. There were a few stories about how parents were forced to have their kids take chemo otherwise they would loose custody of their child because they just want to make money, so the parents didn't have much of a choice. They explained how chemo kills everything, the good and the bad, but often times it doesn't completely kill the bad (cancer) because it comes back and with a vengeance! They also talked about the Biomedical center, never heard of this place before, but found the website but haven't looked much into it yet, but if you want to check it out, you can find it here.
A few people on the documentary have gone to them and they help heal the natural way to help cure cancer.

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin cancer and Essential oils
Here they explain how cancer is an abnormal growth of cells and they keep reproducing. We all have a bit of cancer but the body works to keep it in check but when that communication is broken it becomes a problem. Chemo basically burns the cancer away, but it won't fix the issue because that communication is still broken so cancer will come back.
They also explained how mammograms are not good for us because it's a form of radiation so it causes cancer and often times the mammograms over-diagnose, meaning it shows there's cancer when there isn't any. Thermography is better then mammograms. It's a camera that looks for cold spots and has no radiation.
You have to be sick to get cancer which means there are things missing for your body to be able to heal

The seven essentials:
1. Let food be your medicine
2. Detox
3. Balance energy
4. heal emotional wounds
5. Biological dentistry
6. Specific herbs and vitamins
7. True prevention

Some say that our hormones cause cancer, but it does not, it's things like plastic (which has BPA), pesticide and herbicide that act like hormone that cause cancer.
Essential oil can help balance our hormones, they have no nutrition it's an organic compound from plants. Frankincense oil is very good anti inflammatory it shrinks tumors it can go through the blood vein barrier so it can cure brain cancer. and also helps Alzheimer. Myrrh is another essential oil that helps cure cancer, it helps detoxify the liver. Turmeric is another great thing we should be consuming, it's like a cruciferous vegetable (like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and bok choy) but way more powerful.
They talked about how our skin is the largest organ, and using the products we now use like shampoo, lotions, deodorant, makeup, they are all loaded with carcinogens. We need to use more natural things for our body like this homemade body lotion: 10 drops of Frankincense and 10 drops of the Myrrh along with coconut oil and shea butter and rub it over the body. Especially around the neck and head so you can breath it in. Lavender oil and so many others are also good for us.
One girl told her story, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 12, and she did some research and she started to use Frankincense oil and would put the oil on her tongue and bring her tongue up to the roof of her mouth every 2 hours, along with a healthier diet, she started to feel better. It took about 3 years but it slowly went away until it disappeared and has been cancer free since.
Josh Ash cured his mom of cancer, she had a mastectomy, and did chemo and he saw how it effected her, so he started researching. He saw how sick she got, and aged so much and was so tired and sick all the time. She was cured but then got cancer again, and at that point he knew more, and they started juicing vegetables, she was eating antioxidant rich foods, probiotics, and using essential oils, and did that for about 4 months, and she went back to the oncologist, and they did a scan and he said the tumor has shrunk more then half, come back in 9 months. So she kept going with her healthy plan and 9 months later she was in remission and now doing great!
They talked about something called BEC-5 which is found in eggplant, green peppers and devil's apples, it was discovered by a doctor, and that to apparently helps cure cancer. I wouldn't mind looking more into that.

So far very informative, and I'm looking forward to watching the rest of them, which the third episode has started not long ago, and will be watching it soon.

I do have to say again, this is making sense because I have seen how chemo drains the life out of person. My mom went for chemo and it really did effect her so much. She lost so much weight, wasn't very hungry, was so tired, and was in so much pain. I hated seeing her like that, I just wish I would have known more when she was diagnosed.

There are more episodes to watch and will keep you informed on what I find out. This is opening my eyes even more. Stay tuned for more information.

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