Saturday, 9 October 2021

I love Fall!

Fall is my favorite time of year. I'm sad that summer is over and winter is coming but I love the slightly cool weather, and all the beautiful colors! I have been keeping busy in the kitchen again, and last weekend I needed to use up a lot of my jalapenos from my garden, so I made some jalapeno poppers, and they turned out really good!

The recipe I found called for 12 jalapenos but I had a lot more to use up, so I doubled the recipe and halved 24 jalapenos. I did use gloves and it took quite a bit of time to halve them, and de-seed them. Then in my mixer, I put two containers of room temperature cream cheese, added in a lot of fresh chives from my garden, like about 2 tbps of them, along with 2 tsp of garlic powder and 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese. Once mixed together, I filled each one and in a bowl I mixed in 2 tbsp of butter with 1/4 cup of panko bread crumbs, then I took each jalapeno and dunked it into the bread crumbs, the cheese mixture is sticky enough that they held it really well. I ended up running out of the bread crumbs so I made another batch which I had a bit too much, but got the rest done. I then individually wrapped each one in some plastic wrap, which I cut a piece and then cut that in half. Then got them into freezer bags and took the air out

You can bake these poppers at 400 for about 20 minutes, and even from straight out of the freezer. We had a friend over, so I sent him home with a few jalapeno poppers as well as a few muffins I made. The same day I decided to try these apple spiced muffins and they turned out really good!

I got the recipe from the Joyous Health cookbook, her newest one, and they are delicious! I love how healthy they are and they were great for breakfast along with a tea or latte. 

Two weeks ago, I ended up making some shepherd pies, which my friend was over, so she helped. One was vegetarian for me, and the other chicken for my hubby. The usual shepherd's pie is made with ground beef and corn but he's not a fan of corn so I like to make it with chicken. I get the chicken in bite size pieces and cook that up, then add in a chopped onion, carrot and mushrooms and once softened, I make a chicken gravy. I used the Epicure's herb gravy that they have, along with some chicken stock. So I put that as my base, and then top it with mashed sweet potatoes. For mine, I had gotten this vegetarian taco pack from them, it's pea protein and some spices, I used that for my base, again with some onion, mushrooms and carrots and I used the same herb gravy from Epicure with some vegetable stock. I might have also put celery but not sure if I did. Then topped with mashed sweet potatoes. In order to tell which one is which, I added a V with paprika to mine lol

He really enjoyed his, and I really liked mine as well. I will make this for sure again! I didn't make them too big so we didn't have too much leftover.

Now it's Thanksgiving weekend! So far today I have prepared a beef stew. It's smelling so good in here! The only other thing I need to make is to chop up some veggies, and make a dip to bring to my dad's on Monday for supper. Tomorrow however, my friend and I are doing a cooking/baking day and I can't wait!! The plan is to make chicken pot pies, just with a top crust. We also want to make apple strudels, and cinnamon buns. I think we may make a bread as well. It will be a busy but fun day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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