Saturday, 30 May 2020


I decided to go through my Chocolate Covered Katie cookbook for some desert ideas and decided to try one of her pies, it's all raw
It turned out really good! I made the chocolate crust with lots of almonds and a bit of walnuts, using cacao powder for the chocolate and for sweetness some dates. Then on another page I saw this raspberry filling but since I didn't have any I chose to go with blueberries since I had a lot. This to had some cacao powder for more chocolatey goodness. This pie is delicious!! I do recommend her cookbook, it has a lot of great healthy deserts. She does have more recipes online as well, but she doesn't have the recipe for either of these online.

We also did some BBQ'ing and cooked up some shrimp and salmon skewers, along with some potatoes and asparagus
It was so good! For the shrimp I made the Epicure garlic aioli dip. Yum!!

I have also been on a little Soul Surfer kick lately. I have seen the movie many times, it's so inspiring! I finally got the book and I started to read it Thursday and finished it up last night (Friday). It's not like the movie, but a very good read! I actually got curious to see what she's up to now so I did a search online and found out that she has another movie she came out with called Bethany Hamilton Unstoppable and saw it was available on Netflix so that's what I did today, and it was really good. It's her actual story from when she was a kid to fairly recent (4 years ago) of her life. This one is also very inspiring! When I need some motivation, I'm sure I'll watch one of them for some inspiration.

Today I did some speed walking for 5 km, and yesterday I did another 5 km but a mix of running and speed walking with different inclines.

Supper tonight I'll be trying out this chicken recipe with a basil sauce that I found on Facebook. My herb garden is really growing and we do have a lot of basil so I'm looking forward to trying it out

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