I had made this lentil salad which was very tasty and up above is a chia pudding.
On a sad note, we had to put our kitty down about a week and a half ago (damn cancer!), and we still miss her so very much! She was an amazing cat! Tama was so friendly, cuddly and chatty
She will be greatly missed!!
Just after the long weekend (Thanksgiving), we headed up to Sudbury to spend some time with family/friends. The reason for the trip was to bury my mom's ashes. It's been over 6 years since she has passed away and I do still miss her very much! It was time though to have her buried in Sudbury so family and friends have a place to visit her as well. The service was really nice, and we all gathered for supper at our favorite spot in Hanmer. Then 4 cousins and I drove off to Sturgeon to do a haunted walk through a corn maze and haunted house. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of screaming, well most of us did lol
It's been a busy weekend with working some extra time at work, spending some time with a friend to celebrate her birthday, and today been doing some house cleaning and of course spending time in the kitchen. Here's what I made:

It's a Carrot ginger soup that I made from Gwyneth's cookbook. I have had her cookbook for a while but decided to take it out again. Last weekend I tried her recipe of carbonara, and it was delicious! This soup was also amazing! We enjoyed it for lunch, and I have some left to bring for my lunch. It has a nice quick to it with the ginger and spices but nothing crazy. It has cumin, oregano and garam Marsala. This soup will be a must make again! There's more recipes in her book that I haven't tried yet but would like to at some point.
I also have stew cooking up in my cast iron pot. The house smells so good right now! I am still mostly following my endometriosis diet, but I am including meat here and there. I do love the taste of meat, so it's a once in a while treat to avoid pain. So far meat free today so the stew will be a great treat, and hubby can enjoy some left overs for his lunch.
I think I may be coming down with a head cold, I haven't been feeling that great all day, so the soup was great, and glad I have more to eat up. Hoping the ginger helps me feel better.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
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