Monday, 9 January 2017


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I got some time to relax, went to see hubby play hockey and we spent a bit of time with friends after, and I was in the kitchen again.

Starting today I am on the 10 day Joyous Detox. I got her new book just after Christmas and got into it right away to be able to read through it all and check out the recipes
The recipes look so delicious, and it's not a detox where your having nothing but liquids or cutting out a crazy amount of food. This detox is all about eating whole foods, like today for example, I had coconut yogurt with an apple jam, gluten free granola that I made over the weekend, and for snacks I have chickpeas and vegetables with hummus, and my lunch is a salad with a creamy dressing, which what makes it creamy is cashews, and supper is a quinoa salmon cake with a salad. So I'm eating plenty of food but it's all healthy. Here's what I prepared over the weekend:
So starting on the left, I made the breakfast cookies, which I get to have I think it's tomorrow, then I have my cut up vegetables all ready to grab and go, at the back the bottle is my creamy dressing, then it's my salad, just missing the quinoa in there, then it's the apple jam, which all it is, is apples, chia seeds and a bit of maple syrup and some cinnamon, and then the granola I made which is nuts and some dry fruits, no grains/oats to keep it gluten free, and it's really good. I also cooked up some quinoa for my salad, so left overs are in the fridge for another use. I only prepared for the first 5 days, so then during these 5 days I'll start planning the next 5 days after that and prep over the weekend.

Breakfast was very delicious, and filling. I'm going to make sure to drink plenty of water as well and keep exercising. I did exercise over the weekend, Saturday I did a mix of cardio and weights with a tone it up workout video, and then yesterday I did a 20 min yoga video, again with tone it up, plus I was on my feet most of the day in the kitchen and doing a few things around the house. Today I'll be going for a walk at lunch and after work I'll have about an hour at the gym, which I'll do a combo of cardio and weights. Pretty excited about this detox, so many new recipes to try out and they all look and sound so good!

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