Monday, 9 January 2017


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I got some time to relax, went to see hubby play hockey and we spent a bit of time with friends after, and I was in the kitchen again.

Starting today I am on the 10 day Joyous Detox. I got her new book just after Christmas and got into it right away to be able to read through it all and check out the recipes
The recipes look so delicious, and it's not a detox where your having nothing but liquids or cutting out a crazy amount of food. This detox is all about eating whole foods, like today for example, I had coconut yogurt with an apple jam, gluten free granola that I made over the weekend, and for snacks I have chickpeas and vegetables with hummus, and my lunch is a salad with a creamy dressing, which what makes it creamy is cashews, and supper is a quinoa salmon cake with a salad. So I'm eating plenty of food but it's all healthy. Here's what I prepared over the weekend:
So starting on the left, I made the breakfast cookies, which I get to have I think it's tomorrow, then I have my cut up vegetables all ready to grab and go, at the back the bottle is my creamy dressing, then it's my salad, just missing the quinoa in there, then it's the apple jam, which all it is, is apples, chia seeds and a bit of maple syrup and some cinnamon, and then the granola I made which is nuts and some dry fruits, no grains/oats to keep it gluten free, and it's really good. I also cooked up some quinoa for my salad, so left overs are in the fridge for another use. I only prepared for the first 5 days, so then during these 5 days I'll start planning the next 5 days after that and prep over the weekend.

Breakfast was very delicious, and filling. I'm going to make sure to drink plenty of water as well and keep exercising. I did exercise over the weekend, Saturday I did a mix of cardio and weights with a tone it up workout video, and then yesterday I did a 20 min yoga video, again with tone it up, plus I was on my feet most of the day in the kitchen and doing a few things around the house. Today I'll be going for a walk at lunch and after work I'll have about an hour at the gym, which I'll do a combo of cardio and weights. Pretty excited about this detox, so many new recipes to try out and they all look and sound so good!

Friday, 6 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas, and happy new year! We had a wonderful holiday, we spent some time in Sudbury to visit family, and also at home and got to spend more time with family. Last week we went to Upper Canada Village, I have never been there before, but it was a perfect night to go. It wasn't to cold, which was good since we walked for quite a while admiring all the beautiful lights.

I of course got busy in the kitchen as well. We had some turkey, so I got the opportunity to make a nice broth. I also made a recipe I haven't done in a long time, and I have missed it, they are very good cookies, and healthy to. Here's the recipe:

Almond Rice Cookies

6 tbsp. of almond butter
6 tbsp. honey or maple syrup
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup coarsely chopped almonds or pecans
1 cup crispy brown rice cereal

Place them in the oven at 350 F for 8-10 minutes

So as you can see from the picture my cookies didn't turn out so good, but half of them I fixed, I let them cool a bit and then just reformed the cookies. I always used honey for this recipe but thought I would try maple syrup and I guess it's more liquid so it didn't turn out as good. They are still tasty but I find they aren't quite as crispy, so when I make these again, I'll use honey so they turn out better.

I also roasted a spaghetti squash to add to a salad I wanted to put together for my lunches. Something I never thought of doing is roasting the seeds, they do look just like pumpkin seeds, so I roasted those up using coconut oil and a bit of salt.

Something I haven't used in a long time is my spiralizer, so decided to dust it off and use it for some carrots, to again add it to my salad, and I also used some in a stir fry. I also cooked up some quinoa and lentils, and added some broccoli and green onions. I had that for lunch this week and it was really good.

Over the holidays I was able to buy Joy's new book: Joyous Detox, and have already read through it, and she has some really great recipes in there. I decided to try the Cinnamon chickpeas, all I had to do was cook my chickpeas by boiling them, then add coconut oil, some coconut sugar, cinnamon, toss those then roast them in the oven for about a half hour, and they turned out really good! I put them into two containers to have some at home, and some at work to snack on when I'm hungry.

For the new year, I want to get back into trying out new recipes. I kind of fell into a rut with the same type of meals, but I'm going to start trying out new recipes again. For Christmas, my good friend sent me Michael Smith's new cookbook, and lucky her, she even got to meet him so she had him sign my book as well, which is so awesome! So for supper this past Wednesday I tried out one of his recipes, it's a stir fry and it was delicious! It's with soba noodles, I bought them with buckwheat so they are gluten free.

I also saw another recipe from Joyous Health online that I wanted to try, so I made that yesterday for supper, it's orange chicken with black rice, and it was so good!

I also hope to have more time to post more often this year. I did groceries yesterday and will be in the kitchen again this weekend to prepare for the week ahead. I'm trying out Joy's 10 day detox, which isn't your starvation sort of detox, I'll still be eating food, but really healthy food which will be a good start to the new year. The recipes look delicious!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!