We did make it in Syracuse safe and sound, and stopped for supper at the Outback, which not sure who remembers when we use to have one open here in Ottawa, but I do miss it. The bread is so good!! Here's my super
It was delicious but they cooked the steak a bit to long, and I could have asked for another but it was about 8pm or so and I was starving. We did a bit of shopping after which the mad crowd of people was done at that point. We then went to our hotel and the true shopping started on the Saturday.
Before starting our shopping we went to the Crackerbarrel for breakfast, and Anne and I shared because it's way to much food for one person. We got the french toast which tasted like cinnamon buns, it was delicious!!
We also got eggs, potatoes and bacon with these french toast and also enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate. We then went to the huge mall in Syracuse and spent many hours there, but it went by fast! I managed to get a few more Christmas gifts and some clothes for me at some very good prices. We of course had to stop in at the cheesecake factory
Anne and I bought one slice to share for later on in the evening and Samantha and her friend did the same thing. We also had to stop in at Margaritaville
We then decided to stop for a late lunch at the Outback and since we had a reservation to an Italian place for 7 pm we decided to just share a few appetizers
We did a bit more shopping after that, then went to a different hotel to change and rest up a bit before heading to the casino, it was very festive there

We then went for our reservation at an Italian restaurant, I forget the name of it but it was amazing there! She was able to reserve a table in front of the kitchen so we can see them work and it was awesome!
I of course had to get red wine, and they were very kind in giving us a free plate of meatballs sitting on a bed of ricotta, they were delicious!!!
I ordered a spinach pasta dish, it's really long round pasta stuffed with ricotta and spinach, topped with sauce and cheese
It was so good!! I had a nice take out box and got to enjoy it again, and the left overs where just as good. Anne got spaghetti which also looked good and Samantha and her friend shared the same thing I got. She mentioned how amazing it was so I had to try it and I'm glad I did. Next time we go, I would love to try the lasagna. We did also get bread, which was also really amazing.
Sunday we had the complementary breakfast at the hotel and made our way to Watertown were we did a bit more shopping and then had lunch at the steakhouse
The steak was perfectly cooked, I also had a salad with this and they have some really good bread here as well, with a cinnamon butter which is delicious! We did one last stop at Walmart to help walk off lunch a little before heading home so we can have supper at home and have time to unwind before starting the work week.
It was one amazing trip, had so much fun!! Thanks again ladies and we need to do this again!