Thursday, 15 September 2016

End of summer fun

I know it's been a while again but I've been busy. We took two weeks off and spent most of our time in Sudbury. The first week, we went to his cousin's beautiful wedding and had an amazing time. Then we stayed at camp. Here's part of the view they have
Yes it's the lake through those trees. I got the chance to sit back, relax and read, and play some cards. We had a bit of a family competition of three different games. We played horse shoes, badminton, and the other game I forget what it's called, but we had a lot of fun. My brother in law and niece won the game. There was also a fishing derby going on, to see who can catch the smallest (don't worry we let them go after), the  biggest and the weirdest. I won for having the 2nd biggest fish at 19 inches.
I went with my father in law and we had a good time and caught lots of fish, we only kept the 2 biggest and the rest were let go. We thought they had a prize for who could catch the most, but they didn't.

They were announcing quite a bit of rain for the second week so Sunday we headed to my in-laws home to spend some time there. My hubby and his dad went out the Monday with some friends for a long drive to get to a great spot to go fishing and they ended up with 15 of them. Of course we did a fish fry to enjoy all that wonderful fresh fish that were caught.
It was delicious! My father in law cleaned all the fish and fried them up. The top one is with a breadcrumb, and the one at the bottom is a beer batter. The rest of our week, I spent some time with my family, I also went to Chapters twice with my cousin. We had a great time and got back home Friday to have the long weekend at home to unpack, and unwind before going back to work.

Since our fridge was nice and empty, I washed the inside of my fridge, then went to get groceries, which was an expensive trip but it was great having food in the house again. I prepared some salads for my lunch, and I also saw a recipe on Joyous Health that I had to try and they turned out really good
They are gluten-free chocolate quinoa cupcakes, you can find the recipe on her blog right here.
They are a must try, cause they are delicious and so easy to make. I ended up with 55 mini cupcakes so since we were going to visit some friends, I brought some for them.

It's been a great summer, and it's not quite over yet. I do have a long time friend coming to visit, in fact she should be showing up here in about 1 hour or so. I could have gone to work today, but I'm glad I decided to take the day off. I did a fall cleaning of the house, so  now the house is looking great, and now I can really enjoy the extra long weekend with my friend. It's a little cool out today so I have the windows open and it's great having fresh air flow through the house.

For this long weekend of ours, we will be going hiking, going to the spa at Le Nordic to enjoy their pools and saunas, go to a vineyard, try to go downtown to walk around the market, and we also plan to go see a movie. If we have time, we will probably go to Chapters, and see what else we can do while she's here. I haven't seen her in a while so I'm pretty excited, and can't wait for her to get here.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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