For this third picture, notice the turtles on the left side at the front, my mom made those at Christmas, and they are my favorite!! My dad has mastered them pretty well, and I'm glad to be able to still have some.
The following weekend, we went to Sudbury to celebrate my uncle's 70th birthday, we also got to meet our new niece, and it was also father's day. I helped my father in law cook up the fish fry, and it was so good!!
This past weekend, I met up with a friend at the downtown market. We had lunch, walked around, and then got lots of veggies and some fruit. I also stopped in at Aubrey's to get a whole chicken, and they had just prepared some sausages so I got some of that as well. With the chicken we cooked in on the BBQ, a nice beer can chicken (minus the can). I also made some oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies, and since I have lots of vegetables on hand I prepared a few salads for my lunches.
The cookies were so simple to make. I mixed together some oats, oil (I used grapeseed oil), chocolate chips and some almond milk.
It wasn't only the weekends that were busy, during the week, I unfortunately had a dentist appointment, but I did also went to my brother's with my dad to build our own herb boxes. My brother wanted one to hang after a fence, and I wanted mine to have legs so I can put it next to the stairs in our back yard, so it's easy to step out from the patio door to grab the herb(s) I need. We went back another day to finish our project, which we finished it last Wednesday. Once I have herbs in it, I'll take a picture and share it here. Wednesday was also 3 years since my mom passed away, so my dad, brother and I got together for lunch, and then spend the evening together. Very happy we spent it together as a family. It was hard on me, but spending time with family helped a lot.
I also went to a pub with my hubby cause he heard that the radio station, live 88.5 were doing a patio crasher, so giving away free things. We got a pair of free sunglasses and we are in a draw for a trip to Mexico. I also got to go to my niece's graduation, which I was so very happy to be a part of and I'm so proud of her!!
It's been a busy month, and can't believe it's July 1rst already! Time really does go by fast and it's important to cherish every moment!
Happy Canada Day everyone!!!
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