Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The New Year

Since we have just started the new year, I thought I would talk about new year resolutions because a lot of people tend to make eating healthy and exercise part of their resolution, but don't always end up sticking to it. I have had my share of being healthy and not so healthy through my life, but one thing that has changed me a lot is when I learned I had endometriosis, and even more when I found out my mom had stage 4 Cancer.

My new year resolution is again to eat healthy and exercise, as well as it being a year more about me. The past 2 years haven't been so good. In 2012, we lost a grandfather, and grandmother (in-laws), my dad had cataract, I got a cyst that had to be drained out, it came back and went to get operated on to try to remove it, but the doctor wasn't successful, then just before Christmas we found out my mom had stage 4 cancer. 2013 was being there as much as I could for my mom, and spent quite a lot of time at the hospital, and also researching as much information as I could about nutrition, and I moved up at work which was great, but at the same time it wasn't great timing because with everything going on, especially all the emotions, it was hard learning a new job, and it being very busy. So I was on auto pilot last year. When it came to the holidays I was able to get 2 weeks off which helped me a lot. I was completely drained, and now I feel much better. With everything I have learned, especially last year, along with taking part in helping a friend with her course to becoming a nutritionist, I have learned that I need to stop being so hard on myself, and I am now at peace with food.

So this year, I have started this blog, I have gotten back into exercising, and I have been eating a lot healthier. My other goals for the year is to train for a half marathon, which I plan to do in September, I need to get more organized at home, I will pamper myself and take time to relax and do some yoga. I also want to go hiking, and I got a piano from my parents last year, and I haven't had much time to re-learn to play (haven't played since I was a kid), so this year will be more about me, but of course still taking time to spend with family and friends.

Life is hectic and it's important to take care of ourselves, so we can be our best selves.

What are your new year resolutions?

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