Sunday, 29 March 2015

FMTV Free live event

FMTV/Food matters had another free live event this past week, and it was just as good as the last one they had. I love these events that they do, I get so much information and it's very inspirational and motivational. I will provide a bit of information on this event.

They started the event the documentary called The Connection, and the following day was followed by a live call with Jason Wachob and Shannon Harvey, who were part of the documentary. The documentary was amazing, first time I saw it and it was really interesting. they talk about the mind body connection, and how meditation and yoga are so important. It helps provide more oxygen to the body because you take deep slow breaths. Also it helps relax and calm the mind and takes away stress which stress really does effect us in a bad way. One question that was asked during the live call was what is the difference between meditation and being present in every moment? Meditation is about calming the mind completely, or it can be about mantras, or repeating the number 1 or repeating the word health, which all this helps de-clutter the mind. when you are in nature and your notice the sounds of nature, the wind blowing or the birds, that is called bring present in the moment. Another question was how long you need to meditate daily to notice a difference in the calming of the mind, and they suggested to aim for 20 minutes a day, which can be hard to achieve, but you can break it up and just do 5 minutes at a time. They did however say that even just 5 minutes a day, or even just 10 deep breaths can really help. How do you meditate, you must sit comfortably, whether it's in a chair or on the floor, or on the floor with a pillow, as long as your comfortable, but no lying down because you will fall asleep. Then calm your mind, concentrate on your breaths or repeat the number 1, or a word if it helps, and if you start thinking of something, disregard it and go back to calming your mind. I know I struggle with calming my mind but the more I do this, the easier it gets, and if there's a day where I have to much in mind, then I use the health or number one mantra to help me in leaving out other thoughts.

The second part of the event was a documentary called Open Sesame, and the next day was a live call with Jeffrey Smith. The documentary is about how seeds are so important because without seeds we can't grow food, and if we don't have food, we will die. They mention how GMO (Genetically modified) seeds and pesticides are so harmful to our health. During the call he talks about what was also mentioned in his documentary on how there's a company that is suing farmers, saying that over spray is going onto their land therefore the company owns that land, but it's not the fault of the farmer that wind or whatever else causes the pesticides and what not to go on their land. They rather not have that contamination to their crop. They also talk about how organic is so much better for us and our land. Once question that was asked is what 2-3 things you can do to eliminate GMO into our system, and just removing toxic things from out bodies. He said knowledge has power, the more you know the better you will be at avoiding them, then to educate others, and using the film will also help a lot in providing information. You must stay away from corn and soy ingredients, and to cook from scratch as much as possible, using organic ingredients, and also going to farmers markets, and knowing your farmers.

Day 5 and 6 was the Food Matters documentary then a live call with David Wolfe. I have seen Food Matters many times and it's an amazing documentary, you must see it! David Wolfe also didn't disappoint, he provided a lot of great information, and was so inspiring. He mentioned the difference between juicing and blending, and he said blending is more of a meal replacement, you get everything from the plant foods, but you eliminate the chewing aspect, and juicing is more of a snack, the fiber is taken away so it's a way for your body to get a lot of nutrients quickly. He mentioned how his beet juice helps detoxify and is really great after a workout, and  you can add celery and cucumber with the beets. One very great thing he shared with us, is his food pyramid, on how everyone should eat. He said we should all have 70-80% plants, 5-10% mushroom kingdom, 10% animal and 10% bacteria (sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, probiotices and noni). He also says how healthy fats are also important, like olive oil, coconut and avocados. Another question was asked about supplements, and he said that D3 is very important especially if you live somewhere that there isn't as much sun during  the day, and that a B vitamin is also important, and ALA (flax seed), DHA or DLA, fish oil or a vegan algea oil are also great ones to take. Another question asked was how you get ride of a sweet tooth, and James from food matters mentioned how probiotics are so important, and to have a sweeter smoothie can help. David added that fermented foods will help kill the cravings, and mentioned the book by Donna Gates is a good read about this.Even some skin care advice was mentioned, on how it's an inside and outside job, that a healthy diet will help a lot, and that cucumber, aloe very, radishes and so much more are beauty foods. And on the outside coconut butter, cacoa, olive oil or sea buck oil are great to use. He even showed us these mushrooms that he had with him and I never heard of them before. It was a really amazing live call.

The last two days they played the Hungry for a Change documentary, and this one to I have seen many times and it's so good! The live call was with Joe Cross, which he did the documentary Fat, sick and nearly dead, which is another must see! He even did a part two which I caught on TV and it was really good. He also has a book called Fully Charged, and I'm interested in getting it, it sounds really good.  I missed the live call but luckily now till Tuesday they have replays for everything, so I just listened to it and it was really good! He talked a bit about his book and how he lists 7 keys/areas on how to incorporate everything into your lives and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, like changing the relationship with food, changing your diet, changing habits, getting support, to exercise and sleep, having mindfulness, and respect for yourself and love yourself. He talked more about the relationship with food, to just add more of the good stuff. It's all about mindset because without food we will die so it's a critical relationship. Scrap the idea of good vs. bad and think more on about nutrients that your body needs. If you eat junk food, it's fine, don't feel guilty about it because if you feel guilty you will eat a lot more of it and keep putting yourself down. Enjoy every food but make sure to get as much nutrients as you can in a day, and juicing and blending help get a lot more nutrients in one cup. you must respect yourself and love yourself more. We tend to put so many road blocks and walls up, and if you get up in the morning and critic yourself by saying oh I look fat or horrible, it's really not a good way to start the day. You have to fix 2 relationships that are broken, mother nature (plant foods) and yourself. He also mentions how juice is like water and water is the giver of life. Juicing is more like water then food , so when you juice, you are drinking water that has been filtered through plants so you get incredible color and sunshine in that glass. Also make the juice or smoothie 80%  vegetables and 20% fruit, so your not consuming to many natural sugars. One really great thing he said and it's so true is "If you eat lots of foods made by people with white coats, you will end up meeting a lot of people with white coats". Someone asked what he consumes each day and he said he starts the day with a glass of water, then makes himself a juice, then has a smoothie, and for lunch he has a salad and dinner with be sushi, or whatever else because he has earned that meal. He also loves nut milks and stays away from cow's milk as much as he can. He also said he juices twice a week, he puts some in air tight containers in the fridge so it's easy to grab before a hike or heading out the door, to make it easier. He was asked if the nutrients decrease by not making it fresh every time, and he said it does but it's minimal, and most people have a harder time to do a juice each time they want one, and doing batches is a lot easier to stick to, so you have to do what you are able to handle. He also goes more to farmers then going to a grocery store to get organic, he gets to know his farmers and it's fresher plant foods. His last comment was to not put so much pressure on ourselves, by doing that we will sleep better, and eat healthier. We all know what is good for us and to just have fun with it. Juice, blend and eat.


The event was amazing, I learned a lot. I have a hard time with juicing, it does require a lot of vegetables and fruit to make a good size glass, so I tend to blend more then juice. I should try to make more juices though because I do know it's good for me, and they do taste good as well. We have had a longer and colder winter this year so haven't been going outside as much, or doing as much. Today is a pretty nice day though and my hubby just unburied our BBQ, and look forward to having the London broil (beef, sausages and bacon rolled up) cooking up on our BBQ. We will of course have vegetables with it. The meat is from the local butcher downtown, so it's a healthy meat, and it's so tasty! I did prepare two salads for my lunches for tomorrow and Tuesday, which I put spinach, grated beet, cucumber, broccoli, red onion, and sliced almonds. My dressing I put apple cider vinegar with some Dijon mustard, olive oil, a bit of salt and pepper and some fresh rosemary. Other then that, I haven't made much else ahead of time, but I do still have some snacks that I made last week, so we will enjoy the rest of those as well.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Chocolate covered Katie

I recently went to Chapters in the search of finding a good cookbook for a friend of mine, and I came upon Chocolate covered Katie. I sat down and went through a few cookbooks to make my choice, and when I looked through this one, I knew I had to buy it for myself. For my friend, I picked the Pioneer Woman holiday cookbook, it was the only one she was missing, and knew she was a big fan of her just like I am. Not sure why I didn't also get one for myself but I'll eventually get that one to.
When I got home I look through it and had an idea for another gift for another friend. She doesn't bake but does have a sweet tooth, so I decided to look through the book and decided to make 4 of the desserts. The bonus of making so many is that half went to my friend and the other I kept for us. Usually I make one or two things to not have to much since we are just two, but with giving some away, we now have more of a variety.

So the recipes I decided to make are: sinless peanut butter cookies, flourless chocolate chip cookie, secretly healthy brownies and carrot raisin cookie bites. I tried them all and they are all delicious.  The brownie is crumbly because the recipe only calls for coconut flour, and no other flour, but it's still really good.

Here's the recipe for the Carrot raisin cookie bites:

1 small carrot, peeled and cut into coins
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup walnuts
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp quick cooking oats
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp plus 1/16 tsp salt
1/4 cup shredded coconut, optional

Combine all ingredients in a high-quality food processor and process very well. Transfer the mixture to a gallon-sized resealable plastic bag and smush into a ball. Open the bag and shape the dough into about 15 balls, using your hands or a cookie scoop. Refrigerate in a covered container for up to 2 weeks or freeze for up to 2 months.

It was so easy to make and took no time at all, and you don't even have to bake them. I did make one small change, I put goji berries instead of raisins just because my hubby doesn't like raisins. They still taste good but I think they would taste better with the raisins. I plan on making these again with raisins. They are very healthy so it's not a bad thing for me to eat them all myself  =)

I had the day off work yesterday so I started the day with cleaning up the house and then went into the kitchen to make everything. I was tired but had a lot of fun in the kitchen.
I did see my friend today and she really liked her gift, she sent me a message and she tried the cookies and brownie and really liked them. She plans on trying the carrot cookie bite soon. I really do recommend this cookbook. It's very colorful, lots of beautiful pictures, and a lot of really good recipes.

FMTV is having another free live event, it started yesterday with the documentary called The Connection, which I did see it, and it was very good. They talk about how the mind body connection is very important. Tonight they are having a live call with Jason Wachob and Shannon Harvey from the documentary The Connection. Really looking forward to listening in and seeing what they have to say.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Cooking and baking

I decided to get busy in the kitchen this morning. I started my morning by getting a beef roast into my slow cooker. I chopped up some celery, carrots, onion and garlic and added that to the slow cooker, then added some pepper, thyme and some beef stock (organic, low sodium). For the roast, I slathered it with a mustard that we got for Christmas from a friend, it's a horseradish mustard, Then I put pepper and thyme all around the roast and added it to the slow cooker. It's been on low and the house smells so good!
I then chopped up small potatoes into bite size pieces, and added it to two trays, and put a few slices of bacon on top and baked it in the oven at 400 for 20 min. I took it out, gave the potatoes a toss and flipped the bacon over, and it went back in for 25 min. I let it cool, and in the mean time I got a granola going. Here's my recipe:

2 handfull each of:
Mulberries, Goji berries, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
I pulsed it in my food processor until crumbly and then put it in a bowl and added the following:
2 handfuls of cocoa nibs
6 tbsp of oats
4 tbsp of quinoa flakes
1 apple (chopped)
4 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp of chia seeds
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp Pomegranate powder

Mix everything together and put it on a tray and bake in the oven at 350, for about 20 minutes, then give it a toss and put it back in for about another 30 min or so, until it's nice and brown.

You can enjoy this with milk, any kind you want, for me it will be almond milk, or you can enjoy it with some sort of yogurt (regular, Greek, coconut or almond).

Then I made some almond, oat and chocolate chip cookies.
Now we have things on hand for the week. We both already dove into the cookies and had one each. I'm very much looking forward to supper, it really does smell really good in there. I'm thinking mashed potatoes and a salad to go with the roast.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Our health

This past week a friend of mine told me the news about the Wellness Warrior, Jessica Ainscough. At the end of February she passed away at the age of 29. If you haven't read my past post about the Wellness Warrior, please go check it out here. I have been doing searches online out of curiosity of what people were saying about her, and there has been a lot of negativity. So this post I will be writing about my view of this, and overall health.

Jessica Ainscough was diagnosed with epithelioid sarcoma, which is a very rare cancer, and hers was in her left arm. She did give chemo and radiation a try, which they targeted her arm, and the cancer did go away, but then came back about a year later, at which point her doctor suggested to amputate her left arm, including the shoulder, which she then refused and decided to go on a healthy path of doing 2 years of the Gerson therapy.  Then she kept going on the healthy path. Now so many people online are saying horrible things about Jess, on how she should have amputated her arm, because she might have still been alive right now. One thing I found online is this: "It has been speculated by people who have never met or treated Jess that, had she chosen to amputate her arm or undergo further conventional treatment, her chances of survival would have increased," the statement read. "Her treating oncologists do not agree with this uninformed view." I support her decision because it was the right decision for her, and her family supported her as well and still do. We all have our own opinions and we all have the right to make the best choices for us, and it's not up to others to talk so horribly about her or anyone. I still do admire her, and although her blog posts are no longer online, I do hope they put them back because I didn't get the chance to read them all, and would love to go back to her blog for inspiration, recipes and information. Here's what is on her blog site now. It really is beautiful what they put, but do hope they put her posts back, I think she would want her fans to be able to access the information she shared with us.

Cancer really is such a scary thing, so many battle this horrible disease. My mom lost her battle in 2013, and I still miss her so very much. Jess also lost her mom in 2013 from breast cancer, and it was at that point where her health went down. I can understand that because it affected me so much when I lost my mom. Had her mom not passed away, maybe Jess would still be with us, just like if she amputated her arm, maybe she would still be with us, but again maybe not. We will never know, but what I do know from reading up on her cancer is her chances of survival weren't that good. I've heard of some not surviving more then 5 years, some around the 10 year mark, and she survived with her cancer for about 7 years. All I do know is she made a huge mark in the world, she opened her arms to so many people. She shared her journey, and from what I saw, she looked to be in pretty good health, considering. With her path that she took, her cancer stayed in her arm and didn't go any further then that. She was able to do things, to share her story and her information. Here's what she had to say on her blog: "Somewhere along the way, I realized that I was more than a 'cancer story' — I was a leader, a role model, an educator, and a champion". 

One point I do have to make is that chemo and radiation have saved some lives, but not all. It kills the good and the bad within you, so I'm not sure if I would go that route. The side effects of those are incredible and I saw my mom go through that and it was very hard to see, I felt so helpless. Jess' doctor also suggested amputation but even that wasn't guaranteed. So the way I look at it, is each of her options were not guaranteed, so she chose the one that she could live with and I support that 100%. With a healthy diet, she was able to do so many things, with chemo and radiation, you don't get much energy to do very much at all, because your body becomes so very weak. With amputation, she could have lived a pretty good life, but it would have been a hard start as she would have to go through a big surgery, recover, and then learn how to re-do everything because it's hard to not have two arms. So for those out there that keep calling the founder of the Gerson Therapy, and his daughter, and others like them quacks, should also be calling the medical professions quacks as well because they can't save everyone's lives either. And like the medical professions, they have saved quite a few lives, just like going the healthy way has saved lives as well. I have read many stories of eating healthier has saved them from cancer or other things.

I think when we are faced with something like cancer, or anything else, that we all should take our own health in our hands and take whatever path we are able to live with. Seeing my mom battle cancer was so very hard to see. I tried to help as much as I could. I'm not sure what I would decide if I was faced with cancer, but I would look at all my options and go from there, but one thing I know for sure is I would eat as healthy as possible because I still do believe that eating healthy will help me fight off whatever it is I would have. As you all know I was faced with endometriosis, and cutting out meat, diary and wheat helped me not be in pain every day. I did have the occasional meat, diary and wheat, but when I over did it, I paid the price of pain. As some of you know, I also chose to go for a hysterectomy because my monthly menstruation were unbearable. I had debilitating pain, and had to take behind the counter pain medication to help, and my periods would also last 2 weeks out of the month, therefore I was also anemic. I did my homework, and even spoke to someone that had a hysterectomy because like me she had endometriosis, and so I decided it was the best thing for me and I don't regret that decision at all. I have more energy, and now I have pain very rarely. So yes I do still have endometriosis but it's manageable now. Some might not want to take the same path as me and that's perfectly fine, they can lower their pain by changing what they eat, and there are other things out there that can also help.

We are all different. We all react to things differently, whether it's medication or food. We also have our own opinion and views on things, and it's own our life, so it's up to us on how we live it!

There is so many confusing things everywhere, where some say one thing is good for us, and another say it's not. I do believe in medical treatment to an extent. I do still believe that most medication are a band aid, and that we all should be eating healthier. With all the junk food out there though, it does make it really hard to eat completely healthy. My eating isn't perfect, but I do try to eat as healthy as possible most of the time. I try to enjoy life as well as much as I can, because I don't know how much time I do have so I try to live life to the fullest.

Eating healthy is definitely important. I have eaten not that great at times and I found myself having less energy and being more tired, but when I eat healthier, I feel so much better. Exercise is also very important to being healthy and providing energy. I know so many people that eat extremely healthy, and exercise, and you can tell, they just look so healthy! I'm going to keep eating as healthy as I can, and also keep exercising, and will keep sharing my journey here.

Just want to give my condolences to Jessica's family. I'm very glad to have been part of her journey through her blog, and I have also gotten her e-books, and took part online on one of her events. She was an amazing person, and she will be greatly missed.